
Request an Extra Pickup for Appliance, Bulky Item or Yard Waste

The City offers three options for extra pickups:

- Appliance

- Bulky Item   

- Yard Waste

You can request one yard waste pickup AND one bulky item or appliance pickup per month at no charge. Fees apply for additional pickups scheduled for the same month (see below). A pickup date will be provided after you submit your request.

*Appliance includes refrigerator, freezer, washer, dryer, etc. Bulky item pickup covers items that are too big to fit in your regular trash bin, such as furniture.

Note: Only the primary account holder (landlord, property manager, etc.) can schedule an extra trash pickup. The last four numbers of the social security number are needed for this request. 

How do I request an extra pickup?

To request an extra pickup, fill out the online form or call 311 Monday through Friday between 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Extra pickups are scheduled on the next available trash day. The scheduled date of the extra pickup will be listed in your confirmation email or given over the phone when scheduled with 311. Due to higher volume of requests during summer months, pickup dates may be scheduled out two or three weeks. Items should NOT be placed at the curb any more than 24 hours prior to your scheduled pickup. To avoid receiving citations from Code Enforcement, do not place your item at the curb before receiving your assigned pickup date.

After you submit your online request, a confirmation email will be sent once the request has been processed by Solid Waste.

Does it cost to request an extra pickup?

APPLIANCE/BULKY ITEM: Solid Waste will remove ONE bulky item or appliance for free each month. Each additional item or cubic yard will be charged at $20 per cubic yard.

YARD WASTE: Pickup of up to 10 biodegradable bags or one cubic yard of bundled/tied branches is free per month. Branches need to be cut to four feet or shorter, be no more than six inches in diameter and bundled securely with twine into manageable bundles.  Additional amounts will be charged at a rate of $10 per cubic yard (equates to 10 30-gallon biodegradable bags).

Anything totally more than $100 will need to be approved by the resident prior to the removal.

If I requested an extra pickup at the end of the month, but it’s scheduled to be picked up the next month, which month does my free pickup count toward?

The month your item is scheduled to be picked up is the month of your free pickup.

Example: I requested an extra pickup on April 28. It was scheduled for May 5. Therefore, I used my free extra pickup for May.

Are there any special guidelines for appliance pickup?

Yes! All appliance lids and doors must be removed or taped shut. This is to prevent anyone or anything from entering and getting stuck in the appliance.

What items are NOT accepted for pickup?

The following items are NOT accepted:

TVs, DVD players, fax machines, cable boxes, iPods, portable GPS navigation system, e-readers, MP3 players, cameras, camcorders, digital photo frames, computers and associated accessories: monitors, printers, external hard drives, scanners, mice, keyboards, etc.

Hazardous Waste
Aerosols, batteries, corrosives, fluorescent bulbs, mercy, paints and solvents, pesticides/herbicides, poisons, smoke detectors, tires, waste fuels or oils. Oil, fuel, paint, pesticides, solvents, propane tanks, batteries or tires.

Drop off electronics and hazardous waste for free at the St. Joseph County’s Household Hazardous Waste Center (HHW) at 828 Kerr Street. More information can be found on their website or by calling 574.235.9971.

Any items with human or animal bodily fluids such as blood, urine, feces, etc., will not be picked up. You must contact an outside source for removal of all bio-hazardous material.

How and when should items be placed on pickup day?

Items must be placed within two feet of the curb in front of the home by 6:00 am on day of pickup and should NOT be blocked by a vehicle, bins or any other objects.

Items should be at least three feet away from trees, fences, utility poles and clear of power lines and overhanging limbs.

All items must be able to be disposed of and will not be returned. 

311 Process Notes

2:00 Resolution

Cut-off time for the day prior to scheduling is 4:00pm. After 4:00pm, the work order will need to be scheduled for the following week.

Please remember trash bags need to be on larger items or in totes/boxes for EPU's.

Open Enquesta to verify last four of SSN

  1. Verify trash service is active in Enquesta or Routeware
  2. Open the customer file in CRM
  3. Search for and click the extra pick up article
  4. Open Routeware
    1. Click on the service history tab, utilize the customer number, name, or address to find the active customer
    2. Right click on the active customer
    3. Review history to determine the correct pickup day
    4. Click on the work order tab
      1. Find the next available trash day by changing the date in the upper left corner, then in the bottom right box under route type check the following 311 EPU, 311 YW EPU, and 311 appliance EPU. Next, double click on any work order to open, then press the “x” in the upper left corner to close the work order and refresh the list.   If there are 60 or less work orders proceed to schedule for that date.  If we have already scheduled 60, proceed to check the next week.
      2. After determining the open date click “+work order” in the grey ribbon of the bottom right box. Search for the customer by name, address or customer number. Choose the active customer from the “select a customer” drop down list.  After clicking on the customer name and their name appears in the field click select this customer and a blank work order will open.
      3. In the work order, choose the appropriate work order type “311 trash EPU ”or “311 yard waste EPU” – enter the scheduled date – change container to container type -Select a container “trash EPU” or “Extra-Extra” – select a vehicle “311 EPU” or “311 YW EPU”  - +Details to add notes which should include: a description of the items to be picked, the work order number, date to be picked, and your initials.  Also, include in notes any special circumstance the driver should be aware of, ie trash picked on the side street of a corner property. Copy these details and press the blue save button at the bottom of the work order.
      4. Give your caller the date for the scheduled pickup as well as all pickup guidelines. 
      5. Go back to CRM – Paste the Routeware work order notes into the call notes in CRM.  If this is the only item for this call click “end call.”