Graffiti Waiver Form

Views: 261

Graffiti Waiver Form

The graffiti waiver form allows our graffiti clean-up crew onto your property to remove the graffiti for free. 

Who can request a graffiti waiver form?

Any property owner in the city limits of South Bend can fill out the waiver to allow the City to remove the graffiti for free.

There is a Spanish version of the waiver available.

When is the graffiti waiver form provided?

If the property owner is the victim of graffiti, then the form is provided upon request by calling 311.

You can receive the link to the form via email or request that the form be mailed to you. There are instructions on the form on how to submit it to the department. 

If the property owner was notified of the graffiti via a letter from Neighborhood Services & Enforcement, the waiver is included with the letter. 


What is the cost of the graffiti waiver form?

This is a free service provided by the City to assist in keeping our city clean.

How can I request a graffiti waiver form?

Call 311 and have a form mailed to you or you can find a PDF version here.  

311 Process Notes

 Options for resident:

  • Share link to form via email
  • Create service request to NSE so they mail a copy to resident
  • Pick up form in NSE office, 13th Floor of County-City Building