How to Check the Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Status of a Property

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How to Check the Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Status of a Property

Checking the Neighborhood Services & Enforcement status of a property by going online or by calling 311 will tell a person if there are any open violations, closed violations, and type of violations. You can obtain copies of the information requested by filling out a Request for Public Records form. A payoff form needs to be filled out if you need a record of all money owed against the property by the City.

Where do I check the Neighborhood Services & Enforcement status of a property?

You can obtain information online, call 311, or to come in person to the Neighborhood Services & Enforcement office which is located on the 13th floor of the County City Building.

How do I check the Neighborhood Services & Enforcement status of a property?

There are four ways to obtain more information on a property in the City limits.

  1. Go to our online Code Enforcement portal to look up a property.
  2. Contact 311, and the 311 liaison will be able to search the property through the same online site.
  3. Complete a Public Records Request form, this form is available online to download. This request takes 7-14 days to complete and you may be notified by email or phone.
  4. Complete a payoff form to find out monies owed against a property.

311 Process Notes

Process for 311:

  • Advise them they can search ACA, here is the url:
  • For more details or specific questions, please transfer them to ext 9486