Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Fees and Fines 

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Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Fees and Fines 

Neighborhood Services & Enforcement can impose fees and fines for violations, citations, administrative costs, and work completed.

Where is Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Fees and Fines occurring?

You can see the balance owed on a property by searching on the Code Enforcement portal and going to the "Payments" part of the record. 

You may also call 311. 


When is Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Fees and Fines occurring?

If you received an invoice for work performed, you can pay by credit card over the phone by calling 311 or by mailing a check to: 

Neighborhood Services & Enforcement
1300 County-City Building
227 W. Jefferson Blvd.
South Bend, IN, 46601


If you received an Ordinance Violation Citation, you can call 574- 235-9462, or mail a check to:

Ordinance Violation Bureau
Room 455 County-City Building
227 W. Jefferson Blvd.
South Bend, IN, 46601

Who is involved in Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Fees and Fines?

Inspectors make the citations and enforce the City ordinances.

Sub-contractors and City employees are involved in boarding and demolitions.

How do I get more information on Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Fees and Fines?

You can find more information in the South Bend Municipal Code and search at the top.

311 Process Notes

  • Balance Inquiry for Citation or Invoice:
    • Search on ACA using the record ID or property address, then go to the "Payments" part of the record and click "Fees"
  • Credit card payment for INVOICE ONLY: Transfer call to ext. 9486 if caller wants to make a credit card payment on an Invoice