Continuous Enforcement Order

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Continuous Enforcement Order

A Continuous Enforcement Order is an order that is issued for compliance or abatement.  It allows Neighborhood Services & Enforcement to abate any nuisance from a property without further notification to the owner.

What does this order include?

This order includes removal of litter and trash, removal of tall grass and weeds, graffiti, and securing any structure.  In case of emergency and only as a last resort, it would also include removing abandoned vehicles.

What warrants a property to be on Continuous Enforcement?

The property must have at least 3 abated violations in the past 12 months and/or 4 violation letters within the past 12 months (it does not matter if the violations were cleaned by owner).  Properties that were previously on the list can be added back if in the previous year the City had to abate the property and the ownership has not changed.

Additionally, all properties that have a demolition order, as well as most properties under repair orders, may be placed on Continuous Enforcement to ensure the property is maintained and secured until the property is brought within compliance via the hearing process.

How long is it in effect?

It is in effect for two (2) years from when the order was placed on the property.

How is original notification made?

Original notification is made at the hearing proceedings or a mailed letter. A hearing can be requested in writing by a person of interest within 10 days from the date of notification. Email your request to Neighborhood Services & Enforcement at

How can I get it removed from Continuous Enforcement?

Maintain the property by keeping it clean, in good repair and secured; then speak with your area inspector.

311 Process Notes

Verify if on Continuous Enforcement by checking Sharepoint. (Depending on the status of the CE notification the address may not appear in Sharepoint, verify with NSE if you have further questions)

To discuss removal from the Continuous Enforcement list, please call 311 and request to be transferred to your area inspector.