Common Council Bill Petition Filing Deadlines

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CLERK-INQUIRY: Common Council Bill Petition Filing Deadlines

Where do I submit my bill petition?

Visit the City Clerk's Office

4th floor of the County-City Building, room 455

227 W. Jefferson Blvd.

South Bend, IN, 46601

Who is involved in Common Council Bill Petition Filing Deadlines?

Filing fees vary depending on the type of petition. Contact the Office of the City Clerk for further details. 

What is the deadline for filing a bill petition?

The deadline for filing on a petition with City Council is the 1st/3rd Wednesday of every month.

Council meetings take place on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month. 

How do I get more information on bill petition filing deadlines?

Contact the Office of the City Clerk for further details at 574-235-9222.