VPA Volunteer Opportunities

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EXP-INQUIRY: VPA Volunteer Opportunities

South Bend Venues Parks & Arts is always looking for new and interested parties for both volunteer and support of programs, events, and facilities. With over 53 parks in various locations around the city of South Bend, South Bend Venues Parks & Arts is more than willing to use all of our communities resources to help better our park system and help with our programming. VPA also recognizes volunteers and their hard work and support through our volunteer recognition program. If you or your organization would like to volunteer your time and effort to our organization, please contact us.

Where do VPA Volunteer Opportunities occur?

We have 53 parks, and many events happening throughout the year where volunteers are needed and always welcome.

Who to contact to be a volunteer?

For volunteer opportunities, contact Amy Roush at aroush@southbendin.gov, call 574-235-9372, or stop by the O'Brien Recreation Center at 321 E Walter Street, South Bend, 46614.

When do VPA Volunteer Opportunities occur?

Volunteer opportunities are always occurring. Some are reoccurring and others are single events happening throughout the year. You may volunteer for a single hour or 12 hours - whatever best fits your schedule. 

How do I get more information on VPA Volunteer Opportunities?

For more information, visit the website or contact Amy Roush at aroush@southbendin.gov or by calling 574-235-9372.

For 311: