Potawatomi Pool

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REC-INQUIRY: Potawatomi Pool

Potawatomi Pool is a place that is fun for the whole family

What are the amenities at Potawatomi Pool?

There is a wading pool with spray feature, a main pool with a 35 foot slide, and a diving well. There are locker rooms and a concession stand with a fenced in picnic area. For more information on pool amenities click here

Where is Potawatomi Pool located?

Potawatomi Pool is located at: 2000 Wall Street, South Bend, IN 46615.

Who can access Potawatomi Pool?

The pool is open to the public and all ages can access it.

When is Potawatomi Pool open?

Potawatomi Pool season is usually mid-June through Mid August. Call 574-299-4765 for exact season dates. Public Hours of Operation areMonday - Sunday: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.

How do I find more information about Potawatomi Pool and pool fees?

Click here for more information or call the pool at 574-235-9438 during business hours.

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