Howard Park Older Adult Programs

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Howard Park Older Adult Programs

The Howard Park Event Center offers an array of activities for people aged 55+. These programs are now being offered across the street at the Zion Church. Activities include: euchre, card and table games, bus trips, holiday parties/luncheons, guest speakers, crafts, and bingo.

Who is eligible for Howard Park Older Adult Programs?

Adult programs are open to the public aged 55+

Where are Howard Park Older Adult Programs?

The location for adult programs is at the Zion Church across the street from Howard Park. The address is: 211 S St Peter St, South Bend, IN 46617.

When are Howard Park Older Adult Programs provided?

Programs are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 11 am to 4 pm. There are no scheduled activities on Thursdays.

What is the cost for Howard Park Older Adult Programs?

Rates vary from year to year so click here or call the center VPA office at 574-299-4765 or 233-5446 for the Zion Church.

How can I request more information on Howard Park Older Adult Programs?

Call the VPA office at 574-299-4765 or the Zion Chruch at 574-233-5446 during regular business hours or click here.