Assistance with Trash/Yard Waste Pickup

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Assistance with Trash/Yard Waste Pickup

I am physically unable to take the bin to the curb for pickup. What can I do?

If you are physically unable to take your bin to the curb, you can request assistance for pickup by a Solid Waste driver. This service will be provided at no additional charge.

To obtain this service, you must provide:

- A letter from your physician stating you are physically unable to place the bin curbside. The letter needs to be on the physician’s letterhead.

- A letter attesting that no one in your home is physically able to place the bin curbside. 

Where do the two letters need to be sent?

Both letters can be faxed to 574.235.5627 or mailed to:

City of South Bend
Division of Solid Waste
3113 Riverside Drive
South Bend, IN  46628

What guidelines do I need to follow assisted pickup?

  • Bins must be placed at the front of the house, visible from the street and accessible for the driver by 6 a.m. on the pickup day. Bins should not be blocked by a vehicle or any other objects.

  • All trash must be bagged and placed in city-issued bins with the lids closed. Bags on top of the bin, on the ground or in personal containers will NOT be collected.

  • Only grass clippings, leaves, weeds and twigs should be placed in yard waste bins. Your yard waste bin will NOT be collected if it contains animal waste, dirt and rocks, food waste, household trash, lumber, hazardous waste, plastic bags or recycling.