Return Trip Customer Error

Views: 154

Return Trip Customer Error

If a resident paying for City trash services does not receive the regularly scheduled weekly service through no fault of the City, the resident can put in a request for a return trip.

Who is eligible for Return Trip Customer Error?

A resident is eligible for a return trip if the following: 

  • The trash was not out in time
  • The trash was blocked by a car or other obstruction
  • The container was facing the wrong way
  • The trash was not within guidelines:
    • Was the container out before 6:00am on scheduled trash day?
    • Was all the trash bagged?
    • Was all the trash placed inside the City-issued container with a closed lid?
    • Was there any trash in personal containers or on the ground?

When is a Return Trip Customer Error service provided?

The missed trash will be serviced within 48 business hours of the request. 

What is the cost for Return Trip Customer Error?

The cost for a return trip is $10.00 per trip. This fee will be added to your monthly utility bill. 

How can I request Return Trip Customer Error?

By filling out the web form here or by calling the City's 311 call center. 

311 Process Notes
