Report a Missed Yard Waste Extra Pick-Up

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SW-INCIDENT: Report a Missed Yard Waste Extra Pick-Up


What is the cost for Report a Missed Yard Waste Extra Pick-Up?

If the fault is that of the City's, the yard waste extra will be picked up at no charge.

If the fault is of the resident, and they wish to have the City return to pick it, there will be a return trip fee. 

All guidelines must be met:

  • Was the extra placed at the front of the home and not in the alley?
  • Was the extra out before 6:00am?
  • Is the item in an open area, away from any mailboxes, fences, containers, trees, cars, or low hanging wires or tree limbs?
  • Are the limbs less than four feet in length, less than four inches in diameter, and bundles securely with twine or non-plastic string, and of a manageable size? 

If not all of those guidelines are met, Solid Waste will not pick-up the yard waste. 

When is the missed yard waste extra pick-up rescheduled?

The miss must be reported no later than 48 business hours after the original scheduled trash pick-up date.

Once reported, Solid Waste has 48 business hours to return for the extra pick-up. 

How do I report a missed yard waste extra pick-up?

By filling out the web form here or by calling the City's 311 call center. 

For 311: