Animal Waste Issues

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Animal Waste Issues

How can I report animal waste issues? 

What is excessive animal waste?

Excessive animal waste is three piles of excrement or more on its own property, or any time excrement is not immediately picked up when an animal defecates off of its own property. 

What if someone lets their dog poop in my yard?

Unfortunately, this is hard to enforce, but if you know where the animal lives you can report the owner to SBARC by calling 311.  

Getting a photo or video of an animal defecating in your yard always helps to prove what dog it was. 

Who is responsible for picking up excrement?

The animal's owner is responsible for picking up excrement on or off of their property. 

When should excrement be picked up?


What if the waste is on someone else's property?

Even waste on someone else's property should be reported for the health of the animal and the people in and around that residence.

311 Process Notes

We can issue Animal Welfare Alerts for residents who fail to pick up excrement off their property, but we can not do more than that without proof.
It is extremely hard to prove what animal is defecating on someone else's property. 
Excessive excrement on someone's property from their own animal(s) should also be reported for health reasons.

Please enter a case in PetPoint for an officer to review the property.

  1. Login to the PetPoint webpage with your credentials
    1. Shelter ID: USIN57
  2. From the top ribbon, click on
    1. Case
    2. Add Case
  3. Under the Details tab in Case Details, please enter:
    1. Case Category: Incident
    2. Case Type: Enforcement
    3. Case Subtype: Removal of Excrement
    4. Case Status: Open
    5. Case Officer: Call for Service
    6. Additional Information: Any applicable call notes
    7. Street Address: Location of the incident
      1. If needed, utilize 311 Reference Map to find address
    8. Zip Code: Enter Zip Code for the location and click on the green arrows button
      1. Clicking on the green arrow button will populate the city and City Alias
    9. Cross Street: Enter the nearest cross street to the listed address, keep blank if reporting an intersection
    10. Type of Location: Enter applicable location type from the dropdown
    11. Number of Animals: Number related to the case
    12. Person Reporting Info: Add name and/or Phone Number
      1. If wanting to report anonymously, please enter “Anonymous”
    13. Click the green “Save” button at the bottom of the page
  4. Under the Activities tab in Activity Details, please enter:
    1. Activity Type: Dispatch
    2. Activity Subtype: Welfare Check
    3. Priority: Normal is standard, adjust for situation
    4. Activity Owner: Call for Service
    5. Click the green “Save” button at the bottom of the page
  5. After clicking the green “Save” button, the page should refresh and the case has dispatched to SBARC